This is the new blog run by the "Anthrophiliacs" of Wellesley College's new Student-run Anthropology Club. Our posts will be about the work we are doing in our department, upcoming Anthropology events on Campus, and our interests in the world of anthropology today.
Our club is off to a great start. Stay tuned to our posts for information about our exciting upcoming events: April Ethnographic Film Festival, Watching Bones with the Anthrophiliacs, and the Faculty Research Lecture Series.
Most importantly: GBAC will be hosted by Wellesley College this year! Mark your calendar for Friday, February 27 for an afternoon of undergraduate student research publications. More information to be posted in the upcoming weeks.
All of us will be posting this week about who we are, our interests, and what we think about the work being done today in the future of anthropology. We'll keep checking in with you, posting some of our written work from classes, our ideas about the theories we are learning about, and with reviews of ethnographies and films we have read.
TALK BACK by commenting on our posts! We're all about the dialectic.
For questions about our club, our blog, and the events we are putting together, please contact us at anthrophilia@gmail.com. Thanks!
* Image: A Trobriander. Malinowski would be proud.
- Posted By Emily Ĺ aras '10, President
Hello Anthrophiliacs,
ReplyDeleteOn April 6-7 in Tishman Commons, there will be a live ethnography. With 10 other students, I am building a simulation Internally Displaced Person Camp. We would love for you to come!
Advertisement will be out soon. Hope you can make it.