So, as the Top Chef of the Wellesley Anthropophilia Club, I feel it my duty to provide tidbits and trivia of the food we eat. For my first post, I believe I shall start off with brownies. Brownies are perhaps one of the few truly original, American snack foods. No one's quite sure who exactly created the recipe, but it's believed that brownies were invented when a baker in New England forgot to put leavening into what was supposed to be a chocolate cake. From this humble origin, the first brownie recipe was published in 1896, and since then brownies have come to represent so much in the lives Americans. It is a traditional comfort food, given to those in need of cheering up, a sign of good will and as a classic snack that has been baked with love and care in mind. They can also be used to satiate any cravings women may have in relation to their horomonal cycle. Whatever the reason, brownies bring happiness to all. Chocolate is known to trigger the part of the brain which relieves stress, and the sugar is sure to make anyone happy. For this reason, chocolate brownies, home-made with love, will be present at this weeks Anthrophilia Meeting. Be there Tuesday (tomorrow), March 10th in Pendleton (most likely on the third floor of the east builidng) for a truly classic American comfort food!
- Posted By Constance Ohlinger, '12
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