Anthrophiliacs and faithful followers:
Were you aware that the economy is awful? Were you aware that the administration at Wellesley College has little to no love for the Anthropology department? (Despite its "love of multiculturalism"...)
I kid, but check out the amount of money our club has to its name. Lizzi Merrill '09 (Resident James Bond) has created a spreadsheet of our Bake Sale earnings. Lo and behold - $40 we can call our own.
But what can we do with that? How can we get our name out there? How can we put together lectures, film series, and other events? What can we do to show the administration that the students in the Anthropology department mean business?
I'm not pessimistic, I think we can do great things next semester.
Comment back on this post: Let's get together and think of ideas for our next semester! Email us at anthrophilia@gmail.com.
- Posted By Emily Saras, '10
With $40 just from baked goods, pretty soon some cool T-shirt ideas could be feasible.