ANTHROPHILIA, the student anthropology club at Wellesley College, puts out its call for papers for the First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Issue (spring 2010) of The Anthrophilia Journal. We want you to write for us! At the moment, we are planning to publish this first issue both online and in a small printed batch. Information about fundraising for this to follow.
Send us a short email NOW to anthrophilia@gmail.com with your bio and submission topics / ideas. Again- as soon as possible! Please let us know if you are interested in peer-reviewing or section editing - no experience necessary! Your bio should include your name, class year, school, major(s) or concentrations, research interests - fun facts always welcome, too.
Submissions due April 5th at 11:59 pm (earlier is better!). Email to anthrophilia@gmail.com. Multiple submissions accepted and encouraged. Include a bibliography if necessary, but please don't send an extensive one. As much as we all live and die for theory, we want to hear primarily your voice and experiences instead of a heavily-cited historical narrative.
Please send word .doc (not .docx, .pdf, etc) files. Images in high resolution are preferred. If you are submitting a sound file, use an mp3 please.
Contact anthrophilia@gmail.com with questions, concerns, ideas, rants, or raves.
Please forward this call for papers widely! We would like the journal to be written by students, but (as is the nature of anthropology) very interdisciplinary.
All the best,
Emily Šaras
President and Founder of Anthrophilia
Here are some ideas of what we are looking for - get creative!
Articles: news, interviews with anthropologists / professors / students / etc, papers / essays, notes from the field, poetry, reviews, research materials
Images: photos from the field, cartoons, sketches, prints / photos of your original art
We are also looking to put together a Podcast series, and would welcome sound files (interviews, recordings, spoken essays, rants and raves, etc) for this project.
- Posted By Emily Šaras, '10
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